
Class slots

I am Currently creating a ruleset for my next game when ever it is. I was also revisiting the game Backpack Hero developed by Jaspel. In it, you play as a mouse with a magic backpack. Inside this backpack you store items that have abilities that help you throughout the run. All your magic, healing items, armour and weapons have to fit in (at first) a 3x3 grid. I found it quite interesting but I realised I could apply this to TTRPGs. See, I don't like classes as they feel too constrained to their archetype. If my fighter wants to cast a spell then tough luck. I put this idea on the backburner until I bought the starter set for Warhammer 40k: Wrath and Glory. Now, they use a point buy system for every thing and now I present a basic prototype.  The Prototype   The blue item is a feature while the red is a different feature. Size not final   The two classes I plan to have are Steel and Spell. Steel can move features at a moment's notice to fit a new technique. For example, S...

1d20 Elemental perk for the fighter. Bandwagon time

Here's a us buff for every item in the periodic table for your elfgame fighter. It is assumed your fighter can create Lvl kgs of all of these over a day's rest.  Keywords  Scaling - adds 1d6 damage per fighter level you have. level [lvl] - it is your current level 1d20 Perks  From Yale environment 360 Hydrogen : It's explosive, created in slurry pits and coal mines (Next delve, how about bringing a gas mask?) and is a incredible source of energy. You start with a cow as hydrogen comes from the stomach of ruminants. Recommended for an intelligent fighter as they can use a carefully placed bucket as a impromptu mortar (dealing 2d6 to any poor soul hit with the projectile). Bonus points if firearms or hydrogen cars from a by-gone age are a thing. Helium : It is incredibly light, makes you high-pitched and genies are made out it. You can use this with some canvas to make a balloon. This can allow you to jump up to (level x 5) ft high with enough helium strapped to them. Flig...

1d6 Magic Items that I have tried to sell

Shop Policy I worked in a charity shop (thrift store for Americans and opportunity shop for Australians) last summer and while I was there, the post office would regularly give us any items that no-one picked up. Most of the time it was normal things like IKEA Furniture, Clothing and jewelry. Sometimes there would be items sent in that felt like magic items. I have adapted some of these unique items to be more suitable for your favorite elfgame. While I was there I realized that magic item shops and people willing to buy them should either not exist or be exceptionally rare. 1. Thimbleby's Tall Thumb Ring  It is a small, crudely crafted ring made of jade. The ring adjusts in size to fit the wearer. It feels unusually warm. When worn, the ring will glow blue, a sign that it has recharged. Once the wearer takes off the ring, place it on a surface and once the ring moves, a large, green, spectral thumb shaped like the wearer's will pop out from the center of the ring. once the rin...

Dwarves in my setting

 Overview I was talking with my friend about how dwarves kinda suck as a fantasy species as what differentiates them are mainly cultural and behavioral things and not physical things. Elves have the whole immortal and magic connection going on and humans are unique and gnomes have the short, hardy and lucky thing but dwarves have darkvison (that elves have), burrowing (which gnomes have) and crafting skill (which anyone can have). My friend did mention how birds are better dwarves as magpies like precious gems and metals (like dwarves), owls see in the dark (like dwarves) and ravens are smart as they remember grudges for years and build nests (like dwarves). You may be wondering about the whole digging aspect but some birds dig to nest or just lives in a cave . I immediately realized that these are my dwarves. Fulvans  Fulvans stand out in a crowd, as few of them leave their halls of wax. They are shorter than an average human, being around 3 to 4 feet tall. They are few as fa...

Faction based character generation

 Inspirations I read the Blades in the Dark SRD and thought about the idea of the group having a sheet because I am creating a hexcrawl and I felt that gear usage is more of a party decision than an individual decision. Like everyone cares how much rations the party has and who has what gear is also important so I decided to make something that plays with that idea. My favorite thing in video games is unlocking a new character after I beat a game like Shovel knight and Plague of Shadows. This gets close.  From Yacht Club Games Sample Group Type The [Faction name and group name] Reasons to adventure Day to day reason More difficult reason that is done once a month or so Large faction goal that is a once off event  Stat generation system for rolling a character in the faction along with maybe a passive advantage and disadvantage. List of items they can start with that they pick and choose  Armour or protective equipment  Weapon or offensive equipment  Equipme...

Choatic Casting

Why?  Spells in a vancian casting system feel too rigid and don't feel connected to other wizards in the setting. I had a dream a few nights ago of an unusual setting. If I can remember more I can post it on here. The dream happened before I had a blog. The class that used this system was a mud prophet, an orc class. They were focused around the unpredictability of fate and how fate could effect their casting. I also wanted metamagic like the 5e sorcerer but wanted it to work in an OSR setting. Spellcasting When a Prophet casts a spell, they look at their cauldron to see it's state since the last casting. Every day, the spell's property changes. A celebrity casts magic missile? suddenly the darts do 1d8 damage per dart instead of 1d4. Magic missile is taken off the wizarding curriculum? It now takes a full round to cast, only shooting once it's finished. Every spell has three things defining it. Implicits are things that every spell has like duration, spell level and ra...

1d6 small gods of my setting and a few corrections

Clarification Time Turns out Heso was spelled Jesu and kinda polytheism kinda monotheism found in most elfgame settings actually has historical roots where in the near eastern and Mediterranean cultures, they practiced religion in a similar fashion since they have "pick a deity out of the pantheon" situation when it comes to worship. I still don't like this in my fantasy game. I also should have been a little more clear on how gods are general concepts, but different towns have different gods for those same concepts. For example, a desert village would have Sarivi the Healer being a god of rain. A coastal village would have their god of rain as a more hostile deity since fishing in the rain or in a storm isn't recommended. They would have Cassina the Skyblight as their god of rain. Desert village would have a Rain Day to celebrate the life giving water while the coastal village would have a Rain Day to appease the god and hope for no storms. Extremely narrow gods are ...