Everything-as-XP (my home game)
My in person game is starting up. I have chosen to avoid a system for a number of reasons: I am given an hour and a half per session. 90% of my players are new to tabletop. My player count varies. So I have chosen a simple system that they create. One thing I love to leverage is what fantasy does everyone have in their heads. Some have LotR, Harry Potter more lesser known books or movies. There is also video games. Because of this, "fantasy" isn't a singular set of tropes and conventions but multiple. But how? Characters are simple. Here is the character sheet drawn in Microsoft Paint: a rough mock up of the character sheet Path: There are only 2 choices. Steel for martial warrior types and Spell for spellcasters. These set how many wounds you can take, whether you get access to magic or deeds. Steels get 2 wounds before getting unconscious, the ability to do mighty deeds of arms if their dice matches. (this is a 2d6+mods system). Spell gets the ability to cast magic (...