Fantastical transport

There are many ways to move in the lands of legend. Detailed are 3 ways. A way forward, up and down. 


The great beasts known as Karrukin. They are large, enduring creatures. Popular among the Southern Highlands, these creatures look like rabbits. They are the size of a pony and have cloven hooves. They love to eat moss, particularly the yellow moss of Mount Arvis. Their copious amount of fur makes them a must have when crossing alpine climates. They cost the same as horses. They move twice as fast through mountains and jungles but move twice as slow in plains and deserts. 


From Reddit. This but bigger


There is a moss that is grown by people of the deep. It is bright yellow and once you touch it, you slide down as gently as a feather. It is extremely flammable so efforts to grow it everywhere often end up running out of steam. There have been a few specimens found in the peaks, especially on Mount Arvis. There once was a general who, in their infinite wisdom, tried to send troops from the mountains by making them slide on the moss. Unfortunately the Chargan family found a battlefield completely empty of enemy forces and a lot of dead soldiers instead. Commonly found by adventurous types in dungeons.

From Barn Florist An example of Arvis moss


Scholars have found that Elves were the first to climb, the Dwarves the first to dig and the Orcs the first to fly. The orcs have figured out that by making a large metal "cup" and attaching it to a stick and rope, you can send things through the air. The catapult was born and it is effective. Soldiers, food or boulders didn't matter. It will fly a at least a dozen metres up before crashing down. Many have tried iterating on it. What if it was smaller and shot lead balls? Or we made boxes to fit people in so they travel safe through the sky? 


From encyclopedia Britannia an example


 I stopped labelling posts glogtober as I found the numbers aren't great. But this is still part of the prompts. Still, blogging is fun and today I learnt yellow moss is in fact real. Hope you all have a nice day.


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