Hope is Lost.. (Dark Knight Class)

I was thinking about MMOs lately with the news I hear every so often about Ashes of Creation and Thrones and Liberty. They inspired me to go out and try to find a unique MMO. Turns out it's hard. I found Maple story which is this unusual 2D platformer/rpg and I got inspired to make the dark knight class from it and throw it into my game. There will also be a version for you GLOG people out there. 

From Nexon.com A Dark Knight

Land of Legend 

  • Genvene's Grim Gaze 
  • Requirement: Locate a Dark Eye and successfully ruin a holy shrine before the Eye does. 
  • +1 Wound Maximum
  • When you activate this ability, a large spear surges from the Evil Eye's location and hits a target within your line of sight. This deals 3 wounds and heals you for 1 wound. You cannot heal over your maximum wounds using this ability. Once the ability triggers, roll. Failure means you cannot use this ability again until the next downtime. 


Dark One's Lost

When the Dark One said "I shall bring silence!", you were hopeful for the coming peace. When the Dark One said "The land will be ours!", you were hopeful for the collaboration under one ruler. When the Dark One said "Our enemies will die!", you left your shattered hopes and dreams behind with the monster that was there all along. You are lost, a dreamer without a dream, a knight with no royal. 

Skills Religion, Battlefield tactics, Weather. 

Equipment 3 Field Rations, 3 Flags of your former ruler, Medium Armour, Forsaken Shield (as shield, but +1 AC against celestials), Spear of Despair (1d8 damage, +1 if next to 2 or more allies) 

A Loyal After It All

B Aura of Twisted Hope

C War Sprint

D Nightshade Explosion

Loyal After It All

You have a minion who still answers to you. It has AC 10+your Charisma modifier, HD 1+(no. of templates taken in this class) and a move of 30ft. It can give you a +1 bonus against spells while you are within 5 ft of the minion. Once it dies, it returns to life once you rest or 6 turns pass, whichever happens first. It can attack for 1d4 damage. 

Aura of Darkness

A black, cloudy 15 ft Aura centered on you appears, inspiring 1+level allies inside the aura. They get a 10ft bonus to their movement speed while inside the Aura. This aura lasts a round and can be used once a day. If your minion dies, you can use this feature again. Furthermore, your minion's ability can now effect you from 15ft away.

Sinister Sprint 

Once per day, you dash 15ft forward. Any creature that gets hit by you take 1d8 damage. You heal half the damage dealt. You can use this feature again if your minion dies. Additionally, your minion explodes on death, dealing (it's own HD)d6 to all creatures within 15ft of it. 

Nightshade Explosion

You can cause your minion to explode at-will. Your minion grows in power, with a +2 bonus to save versus spells. Sinister Sprint and Aura of Darkness extend 15ft further. 


This is my first GLOG class. Feedback is more than welcome. Another prompt, 2 left. Hope you all have a nice day.


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