Land Of Legend: The Great Fae Offensive

 So, my first in-person session happened with my land of legend system. It went great, people had a great time and feedback was positive. I will go through the events, who played and show mechanics. 

The Players

Here are the players (using alias of course.)


Selune (plays Baldur’s Gate regularly and plans to GM) 

Necro (plays Baldur's Gate less regularly and regularly plays Magic the Gathering) 

Volkhv (new player) 

Blood (played 5e once) 

Ante (a GM and played a couple of systems) 

Owl (new player) 

Wolf (new player) 

Garmadon (player in a few of my campaigns and in other people's) 

Diplomat (player in a few of my campaigns and in other people's)


The Events

First everyone chooses steel or spell as class. Most people stick with steel as they value the 2 wounds it offers. At first there was a little confusion and question like "I want to be a cleric, can I be a cleric? what gods are there and what races are available?(Selune and Necro choose Spell) 

They choose between a giant chess game, castle or ruins. Castle wins. 

Wolf threatened the gate guard to open them and the young guard, scared on their first day, opens the gate. Following the party was a goblin named Vik who worked for the archivists conclave. They could go to the armoury by sneaking, go to the dungeons or go to the barrier. The party were sent by the crown to open the barrier guarded by the Fae guard. Everyone except Necro, Selune and Volkhv go to the armoury. There, 10 Fae guards are preparing for the day as it was early morning in game. From the pockets of various guards, Blood gets a sword, Garmadon gets a shield and Blood gets a pack of blood powder used in firearms. Ante gets the leader's Charas deck (unlocking Ante the Ultra-Duelist talent) 

From adobe stock. A picture of blood powder

Guards clock intruders. They attack and cast a wave of ooze. Garmadon takes one for the team and takes the full brunt of the wave. They start to bail until …

Selune insults Vik. Vik runs to the gate. Volkhv wants to become a volkhv (hence the alias). Volkhv asks Vik about the volkhvs and the location of some. Vik has an uncle who is one, it's just a matter of helping him deal with the raiders (which opens up a mission option). Volkhv and Necro find the gates and unseal them. A sudden bang and from The Land of the Dead, skeletons walk out, excited for some actual entertainment. The guardian of the gates from the other side is also welcome to some games. At this point Blood and Ante leave to go to the gates. There, Ante risks his life for the Artifact the warden has. They play a round of Charas and Ante ends up victorious. They get the artifact and run. Blood scoops a pack of blood powder from the sand of the Deadlands. (unlocking the Blood Ballistic talent). Selune walks up and tries to court the warden. It is unsuccessfully as Selune hails his ex wife.

By Andrey Shishkin A Volkhv

Owl, has a different plan. Due to the fighting in the armory, and the tense negotiation in the gates, she goes to the dungeons and finds 2 things. She finds a map of the northern desert with a Pharaoh's tomb circled. Artifact? She also meets an imprisoned Linsey of Linsey’s Ladders. Owl frees her and gains the Ladderist talent. They all escape. 


Garmadon becomes a Dirty Tactician (“I want to punch people in the balls”)

Jack becomes a Soul Carrier (“I want to befriend people”) 

Volkhv becomes a Tongue of the Wilds (“How do I get to Volkhv?”)

Selune and Necro both became soul callers (“I want to be a cleric of Selune”)

Wolf gains Nightcrawler (“I want to be a werewolf”)

Future blog posts will detail these various talents



Session was great, biggest gripe was the monsters not having enough turns which I will work on. Now, It time for me to get prepping. A TPK was on the table but thankfully a few of them realized that and just went straight for the objective. I am proud of teaching them OSR concepts bit by bit. 


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