I don't know what to do at the end and I am looking at it.

 So my Lands of legend campaign is ending soon, one more session. They got the artifacts and are almost ready to fight Olwin, The Cunning. The game is going great everyone is happy, everything has a nice bit of closure and one of my players asked, "what's next?". This question send shivers down my spine. Truth is, I have no idea about ending a campaign in a good way and starting something new. A lot of times campaigns fizzle, bang or poof but this has not. The campaign can't be extended as myself and my players are going to be a lot more busy. I asked my players and some want to do a New Game+ of sorts, same world different angle. Some (like myself) are wanting to play a campaign under a different GM. Some are busy and will be the end of rolling dice, for the next while at least.

A lot of folks talk about how to start a campaign or great campaign starters but never great campaign climaxes. There are hundreds of resources for GMing the first session, but not the last. It's easy to start a campaign, you get around 4 other people, a setting (pre made or made on the spot) and a system and you are set (Yes, even dice are optional).My current plan is to do a climatic battle vs Olwin, then once that happens, each player describes what magic item they take from Olwin's hoard and what they do with it and their lives. After that, see what happens. It is a interesting thing to face and I am excited to face it. It will be something new and something to learn from. The best campaign I have ever ran up to now (as of 15/11/24) will end. 


But that's ok. Do any of you all have any idea on where to go from here? comments, bluesky, discord, smoke signals, binary I will listen. Sometime, I will gather responses and see what you all think. Until then, I got to plan one hell of a finale.


This is a new section to show you cool stuff I found on the internet.

A song that was running through my head while writing this Level Clear by Tom Cardy

Prismatic Wasteland posts about Substack and blogging

 I recently got into a post apocalypse mood and Wastoid  by Jason Tocci seems to fill the bill. I am excited for any future updates


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