Faction based character generation
Inspirations I read the Blades in the Dark SRD and thought about the idea of the group having a sheet because I am creating a hexcrawl and I felt that gear usage is more of a party decision than an individual decision. Like everyone cares how much rations the party has and who has what gear is also important so I decided to make something that plays with that idea. My favorite thing in video games is unlocking a new character after I beat a game like Shovel knight and Plague of Shadows. This gets close. From Yacht Club Games Sample Group Type The [Faction name and group name] Reasons to adventure Day to day reason More difficult reason that is done once a month or so Large faction goal that is a once off event Stat generation system for rolling a character in the faction along with maybe a passive advantage and disadvantage. List of items they can start with that they pick and choose Armour or protective equipment Weapon or offensive equipment Equipme...