Faction based character generation


I read the Blades in the Dark SRD and thought about the idea of the group having a sheet because I am creating a hexcrawl and I felt that gear usage is more of a party decision than an individual decision. Like everyone cares how much rations the party has and who has what gear is also important so I decided to make something that plays with that idea. My favorite thing in video games is unlocking a new character after I beat a game like Shovel knight and Plague of Shadows. This gets close. 

From Yacht Club Games

Sample Group Type

The [Faction name and group name]

Reasons to adventure

  • Day to day reason
  • More difficult reason that is done once a month or so
  • Large faction goal that is a once off event 

Stat generation system for rolling a character in the faction along with maybe a passive advantage and disadvantage.

List of items they can start with that they pick and choose 

  • Armour or protective equipment 
  • Weapon or offensive equipment 
  • Equipment useful in dungeons 
  • Equipment that helps the party with the reasons above

Days of food that they start with from 2 to 7. 

You could have everyone pick a faction but what I plan is to have everyone part of a faction, then after a TPK, new characters can pick a faction based on the ones they've encountered and are on at least neutral terms with. Also multiple factions may have multiple group types for different reasons. You pick your group type as a party, then you pick a class or whatever else your game wants. Here's one for my hexcrawl. 

A Lilip University Seer

Lilip University Seers 


  • Go tax the rich and steal from their dungeons
  • Teach others magic on behalf on the University, reporting back the week of Inauguration
  • Make sure that the only people on the island are the ones that have magic access by any means necessary

Roll 4d6 drop the highest for Strength and 4d6 drop the lowest for Intelligence. Roll Dexterity and any other Stats with 3d6 

You start with 5 days of food


  • Leather armor branded yellow, blue, red or green. (1 slot)
  • Letter openers (as dagger) or wizardly staff (as quarterstaff) (0/1 slot)
  • Lantern with luminescent fungi inside that eats 2 food a day (2 slots)
  • A pouch of wolfsbane (0 slot) 
  • Crowbar (2 slots)
  • A Beginner's Guide to Homely Magic by Spenser Snark (1 slot)  

The Beginner's guide is easy to use for all ages



The inspiration for the faction was Hogwarts from Harry Potter but more power hungry. This is mainly for thief or wizard type campaigns as they wander the land causing trouble. Good factions have items that make the players ask questions like the wolfsbane. Do wolves have no magic? What about werewolves?The stat generation also help push the fantasy of scholarly types used to trickery and stealth. More militant factions would have better armor or weapons and richer factions would have a longer list of other items and more starting food. 


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