
Showing posts from October, 2024

Two spoopy creatures

I despise horror so creating scary monsters isn't my forte. I have two ideas for monsters in my setting statted generically so that it works in your elfgame of choice. This is from a glogtober prompt.  The Taxman Many tales are told about the taxman. Children are warned not to stay out late or the taxman will have them for dinner. Others use it as a warning to what happens if you meddle with magic. What is for certain is if you hear iron coins rattling in a tin bucket, run and don't look back. The taxman is a short figure that walks leaning forward, almost like it wants to tell you a secret. It is covered in rags battered by the elements. The defining feature is the long stick with a cold iron bucket. Rumor has it there are cold iron coins mean to shake off magic inside the bucket. The few magickers who encounter the taxman and live say that magic feels scared when the taxman draws near. Statistics  HD 1 Attacks 1 bucket (1d4) + soothe. Morale 10 Armor as Unarmored move as huma

[Glogtober 24] inspiring rpg art

This is doing this challenge. expect around 6 of these. Prompts are here  An inspiring piece of art for my elfgaming is the Wanderer above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich.  From wikipedia The part that inspires me is not what is shown, but is hidden. under all that fog could be a frozen wastes, green plains or a bustling city. There is a mystery to the painting and I want to bring that sense of mystery to my rpg games. The big goal with my GMing is I want my players, if they want to go anywhere, it will be fun. Will it be masterfully prepped? no, but it does not matter. My aim is for my players and myself to be surprised on where on the seven planes we end up. I want the fog to be fun. What am I doing? The prompts I got other than this is, Spooky Halloween monsters, Esoteric orders and creeds, MMORPG, this prompt of Real art inspiring my rpg practise, City procedure and fantastic transport. I aim for at least 2 a wee